Too Much Smoke

So, 2 weeks ago I went to Boulder to watch my big sis's master's thesis theater performance.

So my other middle sis and my mom also went. I was the first in, so I picked up the rental car and killed time for about 2 1/2 hours. So I thought I'd drive around Denver. Except I didn't know where the hell I was. So I drove down the 70 and there was nothing. It's so weird because it's flat and brown with nothing. You can't see anything from the exits. So I took a stab in the dark and got off about 7 miles from the airport. I had to drive past these sprawling townhouses to get to a shopping center. Oh well, drive around and see what they have, right?

So I turned into the parking lot, and I saw a sign that said "smoked turkey legs". I wasn't hungry. But smoked turkey tempting.

So I looked at all the shops, a big Safeway, some mexican joints, a closed ice cream shop, beauty salon, underground bookstore.

So I went to this underground bookstore. The lady there was very nice. I just perused the books. A principle from a nearby school came in to pick up his order. Some framed prints of Obama as a Jesuslike figure.

Anyway, I asked about the turkey legs. The lady said, oh, I don't know about the turkey legs, but there's a Subway at the shopping center across the street, they make nice sandwiches. So I said thank you.

It was cold and windy. Very windy. I pulled up by the smoker. Which was in the parking lot by some evangelical church.

That made sense. So a boy was tending the grill.

He looked a little terrified when I ordered a turkey leg. A man, probably the preacher, came running out of the building. He asked what I wanted, then told the boy he could handle it. So the boy opened the grill and a ton of smoke came billowing out. The turkey legs were black. But I was fearless. I'm gonna get me a turkey leg, damnit. So he wrapped it in 3 sheets of foil and a plastic bag, and handed it to me.

So I sat in the car and tried to eat it. But I didn't have napkins. And it was so smoky. I took a bite. Smoke. I had to crack the windows because the car was filling up with smoke smell. I took a couple more bites. Then I wrapped it up and went to the airport to pick up my mom and sis.
